Thursday 22 September 2011

Chocolate. Mmmmmmnnnnnnn.....

Have I mentioned I have a terrible sweet tooth???
Tooth! Ha! Who am I kidding - sweet teeth, these nashers would eat nothing but fudge morning, noon and night if they could.

Of course wonderful Mother Nature designed it that way so let's start by blaming her shall we?  As hunter gatherers (the way humans lived for approximately a gazillion years - don't quote me on that figure) it was a harmonious system that made complete sense - in nature sweet foods are generally both safe and help to build up fat stores for the cold winter months and times of famine; fast forward to Central London, 2011 and there's not much liklihood of either.

So what do I do when I have a craving for something sweet? Well usually I try and make something sweet and healthy like wholegrain muffins, I add things like seeds and nuts and usually halve the sugar called for in the recipe but sometimes I just want chocolate and here's what I do...

I eat OM Bars - just half of one of these bars is satisfying enough for my sugar fix.  They're raw chocolate, dairy free and sweetened with a type of coconut sugar that is very low GI, so they won't send your blood sugar levels crazy. 

Now, I've tried to eat dark chocolate because I know it's better for me and I've even convinced myself I like it; but if I'm honest I'd rather have a bar of milk chocolate or even (shock horror!) a bar of white chocolate, so I don't know what it is exactly about raw chocolate that's so much yummier than plain old dark chocolate, it's definitely less bitter and much softer and smoother - more like a truffle. Either way I give praise for Raw chocolate and Om bars especially! 

Luckily, we sell them here at Waterloo Body Station!

by Kate Lenhart

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